ALISON, 45 / Jyväskylä

Valmennus: Voimaharjoittelun perusteet + ravitsemusvalmennus + harjoittelun ohjelmointi 
Tavoite: Kiinteytyminen, voima, hyvä kunto, terveys

GT Performance is totally different from your average personal trainer. My experiences with personal trainers in the past hasn't always been positive. GT Performance makes things simple and they've been good at keeping me motivated. They were able to figure out the kind of work out I needed for my goals with an easy to fill out questionnaire. There's no wasted time!

I've been working out with their guidance for 4 months now and the results are noticeable. Even though they aren't in the gym with me at every work out, I never feel lost. I've always been able to ask them questions and get support. I've even been able to send video clips to make sure I've got the right technique. Their methods are transparent and they work. They make me feel good about my progress and are genuinely interested in how I'm doing. Of course you have to put in the work but if you're looking for results, these guys are amazing and will help you on your way!
